You have all done yourselves, Ivana and of course Jock proud this year with the collection of stories and photos posted on Equine Touch Addicts and other social media outlets to celebrate International Equine Touch Day 2018. Amazing to read and see how Equine Touch in particular is changing lives around the world.
To quote Susan Clark, 29 July 2018
“Thank you, for sharing your gift and time of Equine Touch and posting pictures, to celebrate International Equine Touch day last week, you are all amazing. THANK YOU.”
For those of you who don’t ‘do’ face book, or even if you ‘do’ and missed any of the posts coming through Equine Touch Addicts, enjoy the following snippets celebrating what would have been Jock’s 76th birthday.
Jock always had a great sense of humour and whilst he would have loved every single post I imagine the following would have brought an extra smile to his face . . . . .
Eat, sleep, touch … repeat!
Happy Birthday Jock!
Big blonde butt shots in the evening sun ???
Happy Birthday Jock. X